Web development

We specialise in the design of secure, scalable web architectures for bespoke websites, showcases and e-commerce sites. Our expertise ranges from technical audits of your existing systems to the bespoke development of large-scale websites.

Our custom web development services

Since 2021, our team has been dedicated to the design and development of a wide range of digital solutions. We design web platforms, intranets, extranets and mobile applications for iOS and Android. Our expert, certified developers are masters of the latest technologies and development best practices.

They work alongside our project managers, who orchestrate each phase of the project using Agile methodologies. We make it a point of honour to create high-performance, robust solutions, managing our projects flexibly, reactively and rigorously.

Let's discuss your digital objectives

Do you have a project to create a website, mobile application or redesign? Our agency specialises in creating digital solutions tailored to every sector of activity.

Front-end development

Our front-end developers create the visual elements of a web page, such as text, images, buttons and animations. They organise and arrange them in an intuitive and aesthetic way to guide the user through the navigation, but also to reflect a clear hierarchy of information. The user experience must be dynamic and engaging.

Front-end development takes a site's design and mock-ups and transforms them into a space where visitors can interact. It ensures that your site looks good but is also easy and pleasant to use for everyone, whatever device they use to visit it.

The technologies used by front-end teams

tailwind css and twig

Twig and Tailwindcss

Twig stands out for its ability to create flexible, high-performance templates. It facilitates the creation of dynamic HTML code and enables site content to be structured in a fluid, dynamic and intuitive way.

Appreciated for its speed and modularity, Tailwindcss makes it easy to design elegant interfaces. The technology offers precise control over design thanks to dynamic CSS classes and predefined behaviours.

techno react alpinejs

AlpineJS and React

The technology is distinguished by its lightness and responsiveness, making it an ideal choice for enriching sites with dynamic interactions without compromising performance. It easily integrates rich JS functionality without overloading the page.

React is a framework used in the development of our web applications. React allows us to add interactive features in JavaScript to websites. Its strength lies in the creation of dynamic and responsive user interfaces.

techno storybook


We use Storybook, a front-end testing and documentation tool that allows our developers to create and organise user interface components.

The tool is similar to an interactive library that allows different interface elements (buttons, forms) to be viewed and tested, without interfering with the main application.

Discover our latest projects

Projet Pompiers de Monaco

Overhaul of the Monaco fire brigade website


Discover the project to redesign the Monaco fire brigade website, a project that highlights the dedication and expertise of Monaco's fire brigade.

réalisation site mon service public aux entreprises

Redesign of the Public Services for Businesses website


Discover a project to modernise the public services website dedicated to businesses. A project combining redesign and migration for a modern and efficient result.

réalisation site carabiniers monaco

Creation of the Prince's Government Carabinieri website


Find out more about Inforca's project to create the Government of Monaco's Carabinieri website. Our mission was to create an intuitive and informative portal, highlighting the Company for the public.

Refonte du site Engeco

Redesign of the Engeco website

Real estate

Inforca contributed its technical expertise to the development of the Engeco S.A.M. website, creating a modern, functional interface highlighting Engeco's flagship projects and expertise in Monegasque construction.

See all projects

Back-end development

Back-end developers build and maintain the architecture of a website's background processes. They ensure that everything works on the server side. When a user sends a request, it is thanks to the back-end teams that this request is processed. Back-end developers develop data export solutions, manage storage and process information in the database.

In addition to this, they ensure the security and stability of customer sites and implement strategies to protect user data and guarantee optimum performance.

The technologies used by the back office teams

symfony and docker

PHP Symfony and Docker

We use the PHP programming language to develop dynamic websites that interact with users. For more structured code management, we use PHP Symfony, an advanced version of PHP that makes our sites more robust and our code easier to maintain.

As well as guaranteeing the consistency of applications across different environments, Docker allows us to standardise development environments. Each developer can work independently, with the assurance that their work is compatible and will function identically on development machines or in production.

Rest API and GraphQL

REST API and GraphQL

We use advanced REST and GraphQL APIs for data management. Using REST APIs allows us to retrieve and make data available. These APIs allow us to manipulate, extract and share information in a structured and consistent way.

At the same time, we use GraphQL APIs for more targeted and rapid queries. GraphQL enables us to retrieve what we need, without any surplus. This technology increases the efficiency of our queries, reducing response times and optimising the user experience.

By combining REST and GraphQL, we can offer complete, high-performance data management solutions, suitable for a wide range of projects.

Security and maintenance

We implement rigorous security protocols to protect your site against external threats and ensure the confidentiality of user data. Each member of our team, whether front-end or back-end developer or security specialist, plays an active role in the maintenance (TMA) and security of your site.

Discover the agency's other areas of expertise