What's new in Ibexa DXP V4

Ibexa DXP V4 redefines the standards of digital management with its optimised administration interface and customisation.
Published on, 19 Mar 2024

New features on the administration site

With this release, Ibexa has undertaken a radical upgrade of the administration site interface. The publisher has set up a team of ergonomists dedicated to developing Ibexa 4's back-office interface.

Menu, tree structure, action buttons, editing page, explorer: Ibexa has listened to its customers' feedback and optimised its tool to make editing easier, more understandable and faster for users.

Finally, a taxonomy function has been natively integrated into the solution so that you can classify your content and organise it in a relevant way according to user profiles.


Adapt experiences and content to users according to their behaviour, context and channel, in order to be relevant. Ibexa integrates a personalisation engine to adapt website content according to user preferences, interests and behaviour.

Complete overhaul of the Ecommerce section

  • Shop and product management interface better integrated into the administration site
  • New price engine with multi-pricing - i.e. the price can be adapted according to the target user group (public, professionals, privileged partners, contract)
  • New Stock engine
  • Improved management of different "product types
  • Product Information Management ( PIM) system: Ibexa has developed a genuine PIM integrated into its centralised content management solution.

Other technological advances

For this major new release, the publisher has finalised the integration of its e-commerce module to speed up projects. There have also been some major changes to the way the different layers of the software are organised.

  • Updated, more efficient code
  • Easier development, quicker project implementation
  • Based on the latest technologies (PHP 8 and Symfony 5.4 LTS)
How about a demonstration?

Discover the features of version 4 of Ibexa DXP with one of our project managers. This demonstration will enable you to identify synergies between Ibexa's functionalities and your business challenges.

Ibexa versions expected in 2022/2023

This V4 version is currently in Fast Track, i.e. development is incremental and a new version is expected every 3 months.

  • Release of Ibexa V4.1 in March 2022
  • Release of Ibexa V4.2 in June 2022
  • Release of Ibexa V4.3 in September 2022
  • Release of Ibexa V4.4 in December 2022
  • Release of Ibexa V4.5 in January 2023
  • Release of Ibexa V4.6 in February 2023

How do I migrate to Ibexa V4?

We have already launched two migrations to Ibexa V4:

  • From an Ibexa V3 Experience site, a multi-site portal, to Ibexa Experience 4.0
  • From an Ibexa V3 Commerce site, a boutique selling luxury bracelets, to Ibexa Commerce V4.

As pioneers in this transition, we are working with the publisher to finalise the migration documentation, and we will be presenting these two projects in new articles in the near future:

  • "Migration of a multisite portal to Ibexa V4".
  • "Ibexa V4 Ecommerce - a revolution since Ibexa V3?"

FAQs on migrating to IBEXA 4

Is it possible to migrate the entire content of a V2.5 or V3 to Ibexa 4?

Yes, you can, thanks to the integrated migration tools provided by the publisher.

Does the integrated taxonomy tool replace the existing community extension?

The new taxonomy tool has the advantage of being deeply integrated into the solution and is optimised in its operation (multi-lingual, access rights, classification, tag tree). A script facilitating the transition from existing tag fields to the one developed by the publisher is currently being produced.

Is the new product catalogue compatible with V3 products?

Many changes have been made to this part of the e-commerce software. We will need to work with you to migrate the content.

What's new in Ibexa DXP V4.6

The new version of Ibexa DXP, 4.6 LTS (Long Term Support 5 years), is now available to developers, integrators and users of the tool.