Among these registrations, .com remains the most popular. It accounts for 44% of the market, with around 163 million domain names*.
National Top Level Domains (ccTLDs), such as .fr for France, have also grown, totalling around 138 million domain names by the end of 2023, up 3.0% on 2022*.
For a high-performance, well-structured website, choose the right domain name and quality web hosting when creating your website.
"From a technical point of view, major efforts have been made to ensure fast, fluid browsing, despite the large number of events on The performance of the filters has been optimised, as has the loading of images and content for a smooth browsing experience."
Yohann, Director of Inforca's digital agency
Inforca offers complete solutions for the creation of websites, including the choice of domain name and hosting adapted to your needs. Our expertise guarantees a high-performance, secure online presence.